Saturday, February 12, 2022

Welcome to my Blog!

 If you're new here, you'll discover that I'm a pattern designer and fabric collector (I'm not a horder... lol. I do use my fabric.)

I have patterns for Baby Booties and Mits. Most of them are sized for preemies and up to a size 1 (a 4-inch finished length). The bootie patterns say up to 12 months because that's possible, especially if you had a small preemie. Since no 2 babies grow at the same rate, your baby could be the largest size by 3 months. You'll need to measure the length of your childs foot to determine the size to make.

If your baby has already outgrown these patterns, I have one I made in larger sizes that go up to a child's size 7. "Terra Verde Children's Pattern". I've been working on making larger sizes for the other patterns too, but... life and other projects have taken priority. Hopefully, someday.

I also have a couple kitchen patterns. One is available.

Click on the Tabs to peruse the offerings. 

I think I got all my links updated, so if you find one that doesn't work right, Please let me know so I can fix it.

Thank you all!



Thursday, March 4, 2021

Making "Flace" (Lace face) Masks

 When it comes to wearing face masks, there are 3 types of wearers; #1. "True believers", #2. "Non-believers", and #3. "Those with medical conditions who can't wear a mask". (We aren't going to debate any of them here.)

These masks are for those in categories #2 and #3.

I started making lace masks for myself and my husband who have breathing issues (ie. Medical conditions) and need to be able to draw in as much oxygen as possible with each breath, unhindered.

I immediately started getting requests to make them for others.

Then there were requests for non-lace masks that you could still breathe through, that it wasn't obvious, like lace face masks.

I found several fabrics that fit that bill, making those people happy they could wear them to work, besides everywhere else they may be required to wear a mask.

To date: I have made approx 250 "Flace" masks and I have given most of them away to people who complimented or commented on my mask. All of the comments I have received have been positive!

Here are photos of some of the masks I have made. If you would like some, I am asking for a $10 donation for 2 masks, which includes shipping. If you're local and I don't need to ship, they're 3 for $10. That way I can keep making them, to give away to those in need. To donate: Just email me, make your request, and I'll invoice you.